Monday, November 7, 2011

50 Artists and Hot One Inch Action!

Hot One Inch Action is a show of tiny art - 50 artists were selected, and their work printed onto 1" Button badges. My friend Kathy Fuerst and I were two of the 50 for Seattle! And then the fun began... I wish I could have been there, Sure looked like fun. Kathy said it was quite the event. Check out some of the previous years buttons. Hope they will have this year's up soon!

Conceived by
Jim Hoehnle and Chris Bentzen in 2004, Hot One Inch Action is the original, one-night only show of button art and social interaction in Vancouver, BC. The tiny art of fifty different artists is reproduced on one inch buttons. These one inch buttons are displayed on the gallery wall and the audience is offered the opportunity to buy randomly selected buttons in mixed bags of five for $5. Didn’t get the button you want? Trade with the people around you… how bad do you want that button?! That’s when the hot action starts. In 2010, the show expanded to include Seattle, WA and Portland, OR.

Artist & blogger Patrick Lennox Wright took some great pictures at the Seattle event, which was this past Saturday, November 5th. I'm including one of his pictures, because my "duckie" button in on the second button down on the left. And his expression... priceless. Check out Patrick's other pics on his site:

See if you can spot the Duckies on other people too! A bonus is that they made each artist 20 pins of their design. Pretty cool, eh?

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